After your periodontal surgery

While anaesthetised, be careful not to bite your tongue or cheeks. Do not chew until the numbness has worn off.

If you have been prescribed with pain relief, take the prescribed pain medication as instructed. The prescribed medication are strong analgesics and will affect your judgement – DO NOT DRIVE.

DO NOT exceed 2 tablets every 4 hours. Prolonged administration of these tablets may lead to constipation and nausea. Milder analgesics such as Panadol, Panadeine or Nurofen are also effective for pain relief.

If you have been prescribed antibiotics, complete the course as directed. Contact the practice if there is an unpleasant reaction.

If you have been given a mouth wash, commence rinsing with the mouth wash provided for 24 hours after the procedure. Rinse for 1 minute, 2 times a day until you are able to resume normal care for the affected area. This usually takes 7 days, however if the area is sufficiently comfortable before this, careful brushing and flossing will be of benefit. Continue normal oral hygiene around the areas not involved with the procedure.

There may be some blood present in your saliva over the next few hours. Place a towel over your pillow when lying down. If there is persistent oozing from the area contact the practice.

To avoid problems with post-operative bleeding refrain from excessive physical activity, hot drinks and alcohol for the first few hours after the procedure.

To minimize swelling, place an ice pack (ice cubes in glad wrap) on the face, over the area for 2 hours (10 minutes on, 3 minutes off.)

Smoking delays the healing of wounds and inhibits regeneration of tissue.

If you have any questions, please contact the practice on (02) 6282 2222.